Is a Pop up Wedding right for you?

A pop up wedding is a great alternative to event-based weddings.

They are smaller celebrations, usually around 10 to 20 people, and the venue is a public place that the couple loves. It’s about the unexpected — the random bystanders cheering and the joy in the air and being present in the moment, enjoying your surroundings- it’s an adventure!

If you opt for a pop up wedding, be ready for anything! The reason adventures are so exciting is because they’re spontaneous and full of surprises.

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Kathi Roy
Oh no, my wedding date is already booked!

Wedding date competition is real. Because of the pandemic, couples who had planned on getting married in 2020 have had to postpone their wedding to 2021 which means fewer weekends are available to choose from. Not to worry, with a little flexibility and thinking outside of the box you can still have the wedding of your dreams!

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Kathi Roy
White Wedding Dress blues.

We have all seen them, lace fabric, big skirts, cinched waists, silhouette gowns and WHITE. It’s traditional. But what if you are not feeling traditional? Maybe you and your partner are unconventional. Maybe you want to say something about your one of a kind love by wearing something radically different. Purple? A two piece…top and skirt or flowy pants? A short, flirty number? Red and Blue flowers- hey maybe you are patriotic? An elegant black formal gown that oozes sensuality- romantic and moody. This is your ONE chance to do ANYTHING you want. Why wear what EVERYONE else wears?

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Kathi Roy
Reasons to hire a professional officiant

Your hired hands bring a skilled competence to their craft. They are qualified and have training that sets them apart from someone who does something as a hobby, therefore they are invested in your wedding and want to exceed your expectations.

You want your team to have experience in dealing with unforeseen circumstances and be able to adjust on the fly so that you can enjoy this once in lifetime day without worry.

We (your professionals -photographer, DJ, cake baker, florist, wedding planner) are all problem solvers who will expectantly blend into the background so it’s you and your guests who truly shine.

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Kathi Roy
Why Winter Elopements Are a Fun Option.

It’s engagement season (typically from Thanksgiving through February) so if you don’t want to wait for a Spring, Summer or Fall wedding, a Winter elopement may be a perfect option for you. 

Although eloping used to mean just you two and someone to marry you, these days it can include a small gathering of family and friends, an officiant and a photographer.

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